
Malaybalay City Division beefs up BAC

20131002_150427aThe Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of Deped Malaybalay City attended the 3-day Training on Procurement Law and Philippine Bidding Documents conducted on September 30-October 2 and October 15-18 at COA Region XI Training Hall, Davao City. The seminar focused in developing the capability of the BAC in implementing and enforcing the procurement law.

SDS Edilberto L. Oplenaria nominated all the BAC members, BAC-Technical Working Group (TWG), and BAC Secretariats to attend the trainings on separate schedules. Participants during the first batch are: Ralph Quirog (BAC Chairman), Jutchel L. Nayra (BAC Vice-Chairman), Jasmin J. Adriatico (BAC Member), Rosie Salupado (BAC Member), Florabelle Porras (BAC Member), and Sibyl Maputi (BAC-Head Secretariat). While, Analy Ocier and Maria Concepcion Reyes (BAC Members), Luis Alajar, Jr. and Lou-Ann Cultura (BAC TWG), Ana Belen Muring, Ph.D. and Paul John Arias (BAC Secretariats) participated the second batch.

The training started with an overview of the general provisions of Republic Act No. 9184 20131017_170654aotherwise known as “Government Procurement Reform Act” and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). Succeeding topics include the following: procurement planning and budget linkage; bidding procedures and contract implementation; provisions for the procurement of infra projects, goods and services, and consulting services; alternative mode of procurement; GPPB updates, latest issuances, and Supreme Court decisions related to procurement, Administrative Order No. 17; and, offenses and penalties.

With the benefits gained, the BAC extended their gratitude to SDS Oplenaria, Head of the Procuring Entity (HOPE), and to the Commission on Audit-Government Procurement Policy Board (COA-GPPB) accredited trainors for this training as imperative in the professionalization of the BAC, BAC-TWG, and BAC Secretariat as mandated by law. Certainly, this training enhanced the capability of the BAC in the implementation and enforcement of the procurement law.

The resource speakers were accredited trainors of the GPPB, namely: Noemi P. Wong, Ariel Lagmay, and Vivien G. Jumao-as from COA Region XI, Davao City. Participants came from the national government, LGUs, and other government agencies within Mindanao.

By: Jutchel L. Nayra, DPA
      Administrative Officer V

HIV & AIDS Education and Prevention in the Workplace

20130926_075110Pool of trainors from the Department of Health, Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC), and Department of Education-Health and Nutrition Center (DepEd-HNC) conducted the Training of Trainors on Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Education and Prevention in the Workplace on September 25-27 at RELC, Region X, Cagayan de Oro City.

Participants from the City Division of Malaybalay were Lou-Ann J. Cultura (EPS in MAPEH), Jasmin J. Adriatico (EPS in ALS), Nancy L. Dequito, RN (Nurse II) and Jutchel L. Nayra, DPA (Administrative Officer V).

The training was mainly conducted to develop core of trainors in the regional and division level for the implementation of HIV and AIDS Policy and Program in the Workplace and come up with an Action Plan for 2013-2014 consistent to DepEd Order Nos. 45 and 47, s. 2012.

According to the trainors, this is part of the AIDS Medium-Term Plan (AMTP) of the PNAC which the DepEd with 16 other government agencies and 9 non-government and professional organizations are core members. The need to provide the workforce accurate information on HIV and AIDS, equip them with the correct knowledge to prevent and avoid it, distinguish fact from falsehood, encourage them to practice health-seeking behaviours and seek treatment, and lessen the stigma and discrimination associated with the disease are some of the underlying principles of this training.

The DepEd, as a core member, supports the realization of a unified goal in resolving the issue for national development. The DepEd HIV and AIDS Policy and Program in the Workplace, embodied in DepEd Order No. 45, s. 2012, derives its mandate from Republic Act No. 8504 also known as “The Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998” and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) adopted in 1999. It is also guided by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Announcement No. 21, s. 2010 entitled “Guidelines in the Implementation of Workplace Policy and Education Program on HIV and AIDS” for all government agencies.

The trainors emphasized the significant role of DepEd in HIV and AIDS Education and20130925_150139a Prevention. Significant learning was acquired from the seven interesting modules of the Basic STI, HIV, and AIDS Education Module-Trainer’s Guide. These include the Rationale for HIV and AIDS Education Prevention (Module 1), Republic Act No. 8504 “Philippine HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act” (Module 2), Gender, Sex, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health (Module 3), The Basics of STI, HIV, and AIDS (Module 4), The Impact of HIV and AIDS (Module 5), The Country Response (Module 6), and Challenges to the Country Response (Module 7).  Other topics include discussions on the PhilHealth Circular No. 19, s. 2010, DepEd Order No. 45, s. 2012, and Protocol for HIV and AIDS in the DepEd. Part of the training includes individual return lecture-demonstration, action planning for implementation at the regional and division level, and reporting.

The training ended with a commitment of the new set of trainors to implement the same in their respective region and divisions. In Malaybalay City Division, SDS Edilberto L. Oplenaria announced and professed support in the implementation of the DepEd HIV and AIDS Policy and Program in the Workplace during the Division-wide World Teacher’s Day Celebration on October 5, 2013 at BNHS, Malaybalay City. Consequently, he issued Division Memorandum No. 293, s. 2013 entitled Designation of Division HIV and AIDS Education and Prevention Training Team and Technical Working Group (TWG). He also approved the Division Action Plan for SY 2013-2014 on October 11, 2013 for implementation. This Office further conforms to the submission of an annual report on the status of the implementation to the DepEd through the HNC to the CSC, copy furnished to the PNAC Secretariat Monitoring and Evaluation,  no later than January 15 of the following year as required in DepEd Order No. 45, s. 2012.

By:  Jutchel L. Nayra, DPA
Administrative Officer V

Lanao del Norte DepEd Officials visit DepEd Malaybalay City

IMG_7340Officials from Division of Lanao del Norte came to Malaybalay City Division Office for a short stop over on their way to Davao City, October 11.

Superintendent Edilberto Oplenaria, together with the Division Office personnel and staff, welcomed the visitors and shared stories over coffee, pastries and lanzones. Hearty recollection of past glories was a wholesome experience.  Thus, sweet and mellow peals of laughter echoed in the conference hall as Sir Eddie’s former fellow workers reminisced previous exploits and discussed future plans.  

Members of the visiting team were representatives from schools and districts of Lanao del IMG_7377Norte, namely:  Rasmila Cosam, LDN Division Office; Mary Arlene Carbonera, Jonna Bacolod, Ivy Madronero, and Jovy de Pedro of Baroy North, Marilou Solaromo, Robin Jabar, Sandra Alcaba and Marilou Sarabia of Baroy South; Amelita Bagol of Lala North; Josie Sanchez of Maliwanag Elementary School (Baroy), and Jamelah Tataan of Tangcal Elementary School. Accordingly, the trip is intended for bench-marking.

Malaybalay City Division Office staff wishes to thank Lanao del Norte group for their short visit which provided the staff a meaningful respite from the day’s toil.

Senior High School (SHS) Support of Commitment Signed

SHS1The Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum or Republic Act No. 10533 was officially signed on May 15, 2013. School year 2016-2017 will be a milestone for Philippine Basic Education. Senior High School (SHS) will be implemented officially nationwide with Grade Eleven (XI) in SY 2016-2017. Much preparation will take place.

As the Department of Education(DepEd), Division of Malaybalay City commence by conducting internal assessment, projection, mapping, external assessment, and planning through a Consultative Meeting last October 9, 2013 at Loizas Pavilion, Casisang, Malaybalay City  participated by the local stakeholders in the City of Malaybalay.

This was held to prepare for the smooth implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) Program under the K-12 Basic Education Act (RA 10533). The consultative meeting was grace by the Schools Division Superintendent of the Division of Malaybalay City Mr. Edilberto L. Oplenaria. Participants were Education Program Supervisors / DiSHSvision Coordinators, Public Schools District Supervisors, Secondary School Heads andthe eleven (11) representatives of different sectors/institutions in the City.

The finale of the Consultative meeting was the signing of commitment of support to the Senior High School implementation with Dr. Oscar B. Cabanelez, Vice President of Bukidnon State University, Fr. Virgilio H. Delfin, President of San Isidro College and other stakeholder representatives. (more photos …)

By: R. Quirog – EPS &  P. Arias – Planning Officer


MCD Culminates NTM and WTD

WTD1The Malaybalay City Division culminated the National Teachers’ Month and World Teaches’ Day celebrations last October 5, 2013 at Bukidnon National High School Gymnasium.

The celebrations were graced by the full participation of the eighty (80) elementary and secondary schools of the division from September 5 – October 5, 2013. A lot of activities were done in the schools during the one month celebration such as card making in their Art classes, essay writing in English and Filipino classes, slogan and poster making from the other learning areas. Children are also giving cards and flowers to their teachers though the celebration was not yet culminated.

On October 2, 2013, a division wide contest on Card Making, Poster Making, On-the-Spot Poster Making, and Essay Writing was conducted among elementary and secondary schools of the division at Casisang Central School. This was participated by the inspiring students from both public and private schools.

Simultaneous celebrations of the schools were done last October 4, 2013. This was mandated by the department since October 5 falls on Saturday. There were a lot of ways the schools conducted in honoring the teachers manned by the student leaders such as the Supreme Pupil Government. Short parties and programs made the teachers enjoy the memorable day for them. The recitation of the Prayer for Teachers by the pupils was found to be touching to them. (children’s competition photos …)

Finally, the celebrations were culminated at Bukidnon National High School-Main gymnasium on October 5, 2013. School heads and select teachers from elementary and secondary levels actively participated the culmination activity. The BNHS Chorale graced the occasion by taking part of the singing of the National Anthem, Division Hymn, Bukidnon Hymn and intermissions. Mr. Pariso L. Orong, Secondary School Principal IV of BNHS gladly welcomed the participants. Mr. Ralph T. Quirog, EPS in Social Studies presented the participants. Ms. Analy L. Ocier, EPS in Science and Health gave the overview of the day’s activity. The Schools Division Superintendent, Mr. Edilberto L. Oplenaria delivered his message with full of inspiration. He said that one way of inspiring the teachers is to value them and give importance on their respective works.  The recitation of the Prayer for Teachers was lead by the NTM and WTD Coordinator, Dr. Ana Belen S. Muring, EPS in Private School and Kindergarten Education. (more photos …)

It was a joyous and very memorable division wide celebration. The Bookworm Band also graced the occasion rendering songs to make the participants enjoy the whole day. The Communication Fest for teachers and school heads was conducted for representation and participation to the regional integrated competition comes October 24, 2013. The Laro ng Lahi was held in the afternoon and played by the teachers and school heads.  While the different events were conducted, the Division Health and Nutrition Section headed by Ms. Nancy Dequito, rendered health services among the participants. Everybody enjoyed the whole day activity.

By: Ana Belen S. Muring, Ph.D.