
Ensuring Physical Power: The Role of SHNS during the Northern Mindanao Regional Athletic Association Meet

The Northern Mindanao Region held its annual Athletic Association Meet last December 10-14, 2012 at Mindanao Civic Center, Lanao del Norte. The event was hosted by the province of Lanao del Norte under the governance of Gov. Khalid Quibranza Dimaporo.  Fourteen delegations from Region 10 including the Division of Malaybalay City headed by SDS Edilberto L. Oplenaria participated in the said event.

For years, as the athletic meet happens, the School Health and Nutrition Section  take part by providing general health services. This year, six nurses from the School Health and Nutrition Section under the leadership of Sheryl Jane T. Melendez functioned as health team during the regional athletic meet. The Alternative Learning System room in Malingao Central School served as the station of nurses throughout the activity.

Since day one, the health team ensured physical wellness through the provision of health related services to athletes, coaches, school heads, and working personnel. All the delegates with health related concerns were given medical attention in the health station. Athletes and coaches with physical complaints were examined and treated during the nurses’ morning and night rounds. Cleanliness and orderliness in the quarters were also monitored by the nurses during their rounds.    In addition, vitamins and food supplements were distributed to guarantee physical fitness for the games. Gatorades were also provided to maintain hydration throughout the sports competition. Aside from that, nurses also facilitated the distribution of supplies such as toiletries and liniments to delegates.

During the playoffs, nurses were positioned to standby on the different game venues to render first aid services in case of injuries to athletes. Overall, majority of the cases encountered by the nurses were minor casualties such as sprains, strains, and muscle cramps. Unfortunately, a case of acute gastroenteritis with severe dehydration happened to a special event athlete. The athlete was not able to join the competition and was admitted at Lanao del Norte Provincial Hospital for three days. The nurses, through 12-hours shifting, served as the athlete’s watcher in the hospital.

The result of the Regional Athletic Meet was triumphant. From rank 6, the Malaybalay City Division thrived to rank 5.  The victory was made possible through preservation of the delegates’ wellbeing and physical fitness because a healthy mind and body adds power in reaching for the gold. Indeed, the involvement of nurses from the School Health and Nutrition Section a played a crucial role in the realization of the event’s success.

School Health and Nutrition Section: Behind the Division Athletic Meet 2012

One of the many endeavors the School Health and Nutrition Section undertakes is the provision of medical care to the pupils as well as to the Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel to ensure better teaching and learning experience. School Health and Nutrition Section also gives contribution behind the activities the Department of Education establishes like the Athletic Meet in which the pupils and teachers from elementary and secondary levels give great participation.

Every year, as the Athletic Meet activity happens, Nurses in the Division of Malaybalay – School Health and Nutrition Section take part as enlisted persons to serve as medics. Treatment of injuries by providing first aid, administering basic medications, referrals and giving out incidental health teachings are among the services the Nurses render during this activity.

Last October 15-16, 2012, nurses were able to assist the young athletes and their coaches by taking their vital signs as one of the requirements to meet for the Medical and Dental Assessment in preparation for the activity. On October 17-19, 2012, as the main event happened, nurses were assigned to different venues and sports events. Nurses were tasked to attend to the needs of athletes and officials at the Malaybalay City Grandstand, Brgy. 3 and Sumpong Covered Courts,Provincial Capitol Grounds, Malaybalay City Pool, Bukidnon National High School, and Bethel Baptist Christian Academy.

In events such as athletics, basketball, volleyball, swimming, baseball, soccer, table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton, javelin throw, chess and others, nurses were there to keep eyes on the athletes and coaches for any casualties. Minor injuries happened to some athletes in different events such as sprains, cramps, hyperventilation and lacerated wounds were the common cases. Fortunately, there were no athletes referred to the hospitals due to serious injuries. Nurses administered medications and gave health teachings to the coaches of different events who complain about headache, abdominal discomfort, and nausea. An officiating official of soccer from the Bukidnon National High School was referred to Bethel Baptist Hospital due to sprain.

Nurses’ responsibilities during the Athletic Meet don’t just end every after event ,as they conduct nursing rounds at the athletes’ and coaches’ quarters too. Athletes’ and coaches’ health conditions were assessed by the nurses, while checking their rooms for cleanliness and comfortable setting.

The upshot of the Athletic Game was successful. Winners of different events deserve the victory. Of course, winners will never be winners without being healthy, fit and in good physical shape first—which the School Health and Nutrition Section strives to encourage everyone.


School Health and Nutrition Section Ran Free Dental Clinic

The School Health and Nutrition Section of the Department of Education, Division of Malaybalay, spearheaded a free dental clinic last October 25, 2012. The activity was made possible through partnership with the 4th Infantry Brigade dental services headed by Dr. Cathrine Arlyn D. Nilo. The whole day activity, which ran smoothly, was held at the School Clinic of Malaybalay City Central School, Malaybalay City.

Registration and screening area

Thirty-six teaching and non-teaching personnel, schoolchildren and ALS students   were given free dental services. The services consist of vital signs taking, random blood sugar testing, and tooth extraction. Antibacterial and pain reliever medications were dispensed after tooth extraction. In addition to medications were health teachings rendered by the nurses.

The free dental clinic was approved and supported by SUPT. EDILBERTO  L. OPLENARIA, Schools Division Superintendent with assistance from PSDS Benjamin Macario of Malaybalay City Central District and other stakeholders for meal/snacks and other medical/dental supplies.

Random Sugar test of teaching/non-teaching personnel



Nurses preparing take home medicines for clients

The School Health and Nutrition Section personnel with the Dental Team led by 1LT. CATHRINE ARLYN NILO ,PA (DS)



Division of Malaybalay City needs steadfast reading mentors

A sincere cry for help from learners all over the division is heard. The reading proficiency of more than one-half of the pupils in the entire division is frustration level (Phil. IRI 2011-12 post test). Concerted effort of all stakeholders in education is badly needed—teachers, parents, school heads, barangay officials, and DepEd officials have a role to play as mentors.

Every stakeholder is enjoined to assist in the strengthened implementation of reading intervention practices to address the dire need.

The following reading interventions contained in the Division Feeding Program (StoFeeP) are anchored on the objectives and targets of Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP). They could be modified to suit your learners. You may also add to the list and share it with others.

 1. Teacher- Initiated Read aloud Sessions (TIRAS). Daily, teachers should read aloud – share good literature and specific content books. Stop occasionally to reread an interesting passage, to think aloud and express delight over a humorous part, to emphasize a drama and suspense, and to ask for prediction are all effective strategies to use in engaging readers in the selection.


  1. Select an appropriate book/ story based on a specific purpose. Plan questions that will be asked and the point that will be emphasized before, during and after reading.
  2. Provide an enjoyable reading experience for the students.
  3. Invite the students to listen to the story and tell them the reason why the book was selected. Engage them in the lesson.
  4. Introduce the text to the students; discuss the title, content, author, and illustrator. Emphasize needed points or ask planned questions.
  5. Read the story with expression, interrupting the reading at selected points to    emphasize a point by doing a think aloud, asking a question, or allowing children to make personal connection.
  6. Discuss what the students have learned, providing an opportunity for    students to extend understanding, link their prior knowledge to new concept and information presented in the text, and make connection to other literature.

2. School- Based Story Club (SBSC). Organize Story Clubs in the classroom,grade level, school level with the following activities, namely: Read-to-a-Friend (Peer Story Reading), Peer Tutoring, Book Exchange, etc.

3. This involves provision of Read-Aloud materials to be used by reading teachers throughout the division as supplementary reading materials.

4. Drop Everything and Read (DEAR). Before classes start in the morning or in the afternoon, The learners stop whatever they are working on and convene for fifteen minutes to read a story/stories prepared beforehand.

5. Read, Enjoy, Then Sing It (RETSI). This calls for creativity and ability of the teacher to write poetry based on the reads aloud narratives which will be set to music using very familiar and appropriate melodies.

6. A Word A Day (AWAD). Pupils choose a word they find difficult to understand from passages and stories they read. Teacher writes the most difficult word for the day. The word is unlocked. Pupils use the word in sentences, in stories they create and in their conversation during the day. Evaluation through fun activities or language games is conducted every Friday.

7. An Idiom a Day (ID). Teacher or a Pupil presents an idiom from a reading selection in any subject area. The class unlocks the meaning of the idiom. The idiom is used by pupils in their conversations/ dialogs.

8. Summer Reading Camp (SRC). Organize fun, exciting and enjoyable activities for school children to learn while having fun and frolic during summer vacation (45 hours or more).

Steadfast endeavour is necessary to achieve our goal. Everyone’s commitment and dedication is of gargantuan importance to help the learners move from non readers and/or frustration level to instructional level , then move on to independent level.—JDZamora


The Perks of a Multi-grade Teacher

I was a mono-grade teacher with a minimal number of pupils for many years. But I never felt a sense of fulfillment the way I feel now that I am handling a multi-grade class of Grades I and II. These grade levels might be the most difficult and the most challenging grade levels to handle in a multi-grade set up nonetheless, this is where I became a better teacher.

I was transferred to Bendolan Elementary School as a Grade I teacher on January 1999. It felt great to know then that I could go home daily since the school is not really that far from the city proper. However, as the years went by, teaching became just an ordinary routine. There was not much challenge to spur me on and the feeling of boredom began. I prayed hard to God to help me be alive again and be happy in the profession that I have chosen, to perform my duties and function not only as employment but rather as a vocation.

The prayer was answered but not in the nicest way I could imagine. On June 2010, our Grade II teacher who was also the Officer In-Charge of the school was promoted and was assigned to another school. Although we were all sad because we’ll be missing her, a sense of excitement filled me to think that as the new Officer In-Charge of the school I’ll be handling Grade II which she had left behind. Since her item was not filled yet, I took over the two grade levels, Grades I and II.

That same month I found out that I was going to have a baby. I was so happy since my son is already 10 years old and at last he’ll be having a sibling soon. However, we found out that it was a risky pregnancy and I was ordered by my ob-gyn to have bed rest. Luckily, we were given a teacher aide at the beginning of the school year.

Teaching a multi-grade class is a tough job – mastering two lessons for the two grade levels; preparing multiple instructional materials; and handling a huge class of two different grade levels.

At the start, I really found it very difficult. It even took me quite some time to accept the reality that I really have to handle a multi-grade class. My health became quite unstable.

Luckily, due to the reshuffling of the Division’s School Administrators in the beginning of School Year 2010 -2011, our school was clustered with Laguitas Elementary School. Our new school head was the Division Multigrade Coordinator . She shared a lot about multigrade teaching since she was also a multigrade teacher before she became an administrator.

Moreover, she presented to us the new and updated budget of work in the different learning areas which is used in multigrade lesson planning. So I was not only taught of the proper way in making a road mapping during the lesson but also the updated processes used in a multigrade class. It focused on the process of determining the teaching scheme or way of teaching   before writing a lesson plan. It is quite hard to understand at first but ones you get the grasp of it, each of the five (5) schemes will help  make the planning of the lesson easier; the delivery of the lesson lighter; and enjoyable on the part of the children.

A classroom program was prepared for each of us in the school. The combination class of Grades I & II has two subjects each day, one in the morning and another in the afternoon which means that I was going to prepare only two (2) lesson plans a day – one in the morning and another in the afternoon, or only ten (10) lesson plans in a week. Other types of programs  were also presented.

Since I had to face the challenge, I learned to accept what was given to me, I opened my self to the reality and gave more time in making this tough task lighter to provide  wonderful experiences to the pupils. I learned to stick to the situation and upgraded myself. I made more attractive materials with the aid of technology to make the process easier. I provided the pupils colored reading materials with the help also of some materials given to us from the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) like cartolina, bond papers and folders. I made flip charts for the children to see pictures and read words more clearly.

Making these materials gave me a feeling of fulfillment knowing that I am gaining more ideas as I make these tools. It is also overwhelming to hear people’s appreciation of the materials that I made. I noticed that as I was doing these things, I have gradually embraced the multigrade advocacy.

I brought to school my own television set, bought educational CDs for the children to watch during free time, and made my own “Pangtawid Ulam Program” for those children who do not have “ulam” for lunch . Along with it are their favorite -sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, salt and catsup.  This may just be very simple act of sharing but it helped  my pupils. The passion of making the lives of these little children better grew even bigger.

There are more benefits which I gained in teaching multi-grade. One of these is pride of gaining the trust and confidence of the children who returned after dropping out or after leaving school.  Now, these children come to school enthusiastically and regularly.

Another bonus is this,  for the first time in my entire teaching career all the children will finish  school year  2011-2012. No one dropped out of school.

Furthermore, our new school head encouraged me to join  the district level Search for The Most Outstanding Multigrade Teacher for the School Year 2011-2012. She helped assess my documents.

During our second Division Training-Workshop for Multigrade Teachers which was held on December 16-18, 2011, I was given the chance to have a demonstration teaching which gave me more confidence. It is like taking steps in fulfilling my dreams. After the demonstration teaching several teacher-participants approached me and asked how I made the materials that I used in my demonstration teaching. The feeling was great. I was given a chance to share the things that I do, and the things that I never thought I could doing.

After the Seminar-Workshop, the group decided to form the Division Multigrade Teachers Club and the group chose me as president of the club. I really could not believe it! I only knew few of the participants, but this?!  Unbelievable! How could this big number of teachers put their trust on me. It was a first time experience. When I was asked to say something after the election, I just could not say anything. I still could not believe it.

The challenges which go with multigrade teaching brought deeper satisfaction to me as a teacher. It even made my dreams and aspirations come true. It is only this time that I understand how important my role is in the lives of the children. I believe it is never too late to excel.

I thank God for helping me through all  the difficulties. I thank God for answering my prayers and I will keep on praying for more challenges, strength, knowledge and wisdom to go on as a teacher .wherever I may be in the coming years.

– by Rulyn B. Crusio, Multigrade Teacher, Bendolan Elementary School