
MCD Conducts Rollout Orientation for Batch 14-E Classroom Package

14abThe Malaybalay City Division through the Division ICT Coordinator, Mr. Paul John P. Arias, and Division Planning Unit staff together with Ms. Sibyl L. Maputi, Division Supply Officer as resource speakers, conducted 1-day Rollout Orientation/Briefing of the Recipient Schools for Batch 14 E- Classroom Packages for Elementary Schools last May 2, 2013 at MCCS E- Classroom, Barangay 4, Malaybalay City.

14aThe activity aims to ensure the proper and prompt deployment of the e-classroom packages before the actual delivery. It was participated by the School Head, School ICT Coordinator and School Property Custodian of the following recipient schools for Batch 14 e-classroom packages: Casisang CES, San Jose ES, Barangay 9 ES & San Martin ES.

Each recipient school will be given an interactive whiteboard, LCD projector, all-in-one printer, 1-host PC server, 6-computer terminals with n-computing device, document camera and software’s needed for classroom instruction. The package includes teachers’ training on skills needed and required in the use of ICT equipment and facilities.

The Department of Education (DepEd) through the Technical Service Information and Communications Technology Unit (TS-ICTU) has facilitated the procurement of equipment needed for deployment of batch 14 E-Classroom Packages for Public Elementary Schools. A total of 3,017 public Elementary Schools have been identified by TS-ICTU and Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE).

by:  Marisa F. Arias

Malaybalay City Division Hits a Milestone as National Winner

bnhsThe Division of Malaybalay City represents  Region X in the National Population and Development Contest on Jingle Writing & Singing at Tacloban City last April 7-10, 2012 during the National Festival Of Talents.

Dolly C. Cruz of Bukidnon National High School with her coach Ma. Lourdes V. Ando under the leadership of their Secondary School Principal IV, Pariso L. Orong won First Place among the sixteen (16) participating regions in the country.

The contest aims to provide opportunities for students to showcase their talents in the area of Social Studies particularly on the awareness of population issues and development.

        EPS Designate in Social Studies


MCD starts a breakthrough


IMG_7603After three years of annual participation in the National Schools Press Conference, the young Malaybalay City Division has finally taken a step forward by winning in one of the individual writing contests.

The entire division is pleased and is quite grateful to God Almighty for safe travel and provision of needs as well as all the stakeholders who willingly extended their support to the ten members of the delegation to 2013 NSPC held in Ormoc City, Region 8 on April 7-12.

IMG_7507Zenith B. Hallasgo, a fresh graduate of Bukidnon National High School won 6th place in Feature Writing (Filipino). Coach Edelina Ebora said she was quite optimistic about the writing skills of Zenith. She was hopefully expecting her to garner an award.

“She has an exceptional talent in writing. I am happy that she made it,” coach commented. While Zenith humbly stated that she was not at all expecting to win but she is quite ecstatic that she did.

Other participants were Christal Izhra Jayne S. Tagailo (Feature Writing) of Linabo Central School with her coach Glissy Callanta, Kirt Dave Manangkila (News Writing) of Bangcud Central School with his coach Laura Rivera, Azucena Bongocan (Feature Writing) of Bukidnon National High School with coach Eva Boncales, and Arnold Ganahon (Editorial Cartooning). Division Campus Journalism Coordinator Josie Zamora was also with the delegation.

Special gratitude and sincere appreciation is extended to Schools Division Superintendent Edilberto L. Oplenaria; the school heads of BNHS- SSP IV Pariso L. Orong, Linabo CS- Principal Carlos Rara, Bangcud CS- Principal Jesus Muring; their respective Parent Teachers Association (PTA), and the Local Government Unit of Malaybalay City.

To boost the writing skills of campus editors, workshop training for school paper advisers will be conducted early next school year to equip and enhance their skills on school paper management and coaching. Meanwhile, all school paper advisers are encouraged to organize their pool of writers at the start of the school year. –jdz

GSIS Memorial Planholders may file for refund until August 31, 2013

The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) has announced that its memorial planholders may request to convert their plans to cash not lower than the contract price until August 31, 2013.

Dubbed GSIS Enhanced Optional Exit Mechanism (EOEM), the program allows planholders to refund their cash payments depending on the type of their memorial plan.

The GSIS said EOEM is being implemented to protect the planholders from memorial servicing problems that may arise in the future, adding that the cash refund will enable the planholders to pay for their other expenses.

Holders of the GSIS Genesis Flexi Plan may refund 150 percent of the plan’s contract price; those of Genesis Plus Plan may refund 125 percent; and Genesis Plan and Genesis Special Plan, 100 percent.

Interested planholders must bring to the nearest GSIS branch office the fully accomplished application form; original and photocopy of the memorial plan agreement or affidavit of loss; original and photocopy of the planholder’s two valid government-issued IDs; and certificate of full payment, if any.

According to GSIS, once planholders avail of EOEM, their memorial plans will be automatically terminated.

Application forms are available at any GSIS branch office or may be downloaded at the GSIS website:

For further clarifications on the exit mechanism, planholders may call the GSIS Contact Center at 847-4747.

Consultation on Targets and Strategies

strat planning2As part of the preparation for FY 2014 DepEd Plans and Budget Proposals, Five (5) Division Office Personnel, namely: SDS Edilberto L. Oplenaria, EPS Ralph T. Quirog (Social Studies), EPS Analy L. Ocier (Science), EPS Allan L. Mansaladez (ALS) and Planning Officer Paul John P. Arias participated in the FY 2014 Regional Strategic Planning and Budgeting at Regional Learning Center (RELC), Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City last March 20-24, 2013.

To beef up DepEd thrust and programs Malaybalay City Division will roll out Strategic andstrat planning1 Budgeting Planning Workshop to all Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDSs) and School Heads (SHs) in the Division this summer. This is to support the Presidents Ten (10) Point Agenda of the present administration on Education namely: 12 Years basic Education, Universal Pre-Schooling, Madaris Education, Technical and Vocational Education, Every Child a Reader by Grade I, Improvement of Science and Math, Expanding Government Assistance to Private Education, MTB-MLE, Better Textbooks, and Built More Schools with the Local Government Units (LGU).

To evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of these programs, a quick assessment will be made based on the schools performance indicators like Gross Enrolment Rate(GER),Net Enrolment Rate(NER), Cohort Survival Rate (CSR),  and School Leaver Rate(SLR). These indicators will show how a certain school performs on the desired targets of the Division and Region as well.

A school SWOT (Strength, Weakneses, Opportunities, and Threats) both internal and external assessment may contribute to the identification of strategies and realize possible setting of priorities that will help to raise the level of performance in the implementation of these Programs, Activities,  and Projects( PAPs) of the Schools, District, and Division. This will guide all stakeholders on the right tract. School Heads and District Supervisors and all in the DepEd System  will have a situational analysis  on the major challenges/concern, weaknesses and strength  in order to achieve the targets  that will suit to Quality, Relevance, Access and Governance.

                                                                                    By: RALPH T. QUIROG
EPS Designate in Social Studies