Category Archives: Health & Nutrition

School Health and Nutrition Section: Behind the Division Athletic Meet 2012

One of the many endeavors the School Health and Nutrition Section undertakes is the provision of medical care to the pupils as well as to the Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel to ensure better teaching and learning experience. School Health and Nutrition Section also gives contribution behind the activities the Department of Education establishes like the Athletic Meet in which the pupils and teachers from elementary and secondary levels give great participation.

Every year, as the Athletic Meet activity happens, Nurses in the Division of Malaybalay – School Health and Nutrition Section take part as enlisted persons to serve as medics. Treatment of injuries by providing first aid, administering basic medications, referrals and giving out incidental health teachings are among the services the Nurses render during this activity.

Last October 15-16, 2012, nurses were able to assist the young athletes and their coaches by taking their vital signs as one of the requirements to meet for the Medical and Dental Assessment in preparation for the activity. On October 17-19, 2012, as the main event happened, nurses were assigned to different venues and sports events. Nurses were tasked to attend to the needs of athletes and officials at the Malaybalay City Grandstand, Brgy. 3 and Sumpong Covered Courts,Provincial Capitol Grounds, Malaybalay City Pool, Bukidnon National High School, and Bethel Baptist Christian Academy.

In events such as athletics, basketball, volleyball, swimming, baseball, soccer, table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton, javelin throw, chess and others, nurses were there to keep eyes on the athletes and coaches for any casualties. Minor injuries happened to some athletes in different events such as sprains, cramps, hyperventilation and lacerated wounds were the common cases. Fortunately, there were no athletes referred to the hospitals due to serious injuries. Nurses administered medications and gave health teachings to the coaches of different events who complain about headache, abdominal discomfort, and nausea. An officiating official of soccer from the Bukidnon National High School was referred to Bethel Baptist Hospital due to sprain.

Nurses’ responsibilities during the Athletic Meet don’t just end every after event ,as they conduct nursing rounds at the athletes’ and coaches’ quarters too. Athletes’ and coaches’ health conditions were assessed by the nurses, while checking their rooms for cleanliness and comfortable setting.

The upshot of the Athletic Game was successful. Winners of different events deserve the victory. Of course, winners will never be winners without being healthy, fit and in good physical shape first—which the School Health and Nutrition Section strives to encourage everyone.


School Health and Nutrition Section Ran Free Dental Clinic

The School Health and Nutrition Section of the Department of Education, Division of Malaybalay, spearheaded a free dental clinic last October 25, 2012. The activity was made possible through partnership with the 4th Infantry Brigade dental services headed by Dr. Cathrine Arlyn D. Nilo. The whole day activity, which ran smoothly, was held at the School Clinic of Malaybalay City Central School, Malaybalay City.

Registration and screening area

Thirty-six teaching and non-teaching personnel, schoolchildren and ALS students   were given free dental services. The services consist of vital signs taking, random blood sugar testing, and tooth extraction. Antibacterial and pain reliever medications were dispensed after tooth extraction. In addition to medications were health teachings rendered by the nurses.

The free dental clinic was approved and supported by SUPT. EDILBERTO  L. OPLENARIA, Schools Division Superintendent with assistance from PSDS Benjamin Macario of Malaybalay City Central District and other stakeholders for meal/snacks and other medical/dental supplies.

Random Sugar test of teaching/non-teaching personnel



Nurses preparing take home medicines for clients

The School Health and Nutrition Section personnel with the Dental Team led by 1LT. CATHRINE ARLYN NILO ,PA (DS)