Category Archives: Articles

Put Those Earbuds In

Hectic schedules and tight deadlines may be among the common stressors we experience in the workplace. These stressors appear to be inevitable but there are some beneficial things we can do to manage pulling our tasks off despite the demanding situations we are in, and one of these is listening to good quality music. This maybe unknown to some, but common anecdotal observations say that more people find situation-appropriate music relaxing and a positive driving force to carry out workloads. Continue reading Put Those Earbuds In

Help Defeat Covid-19 With S.O.A.P.

Covid-19 pandemic caused immense changes on how we live and work on a daily basis. Tagged as the “New normal”, everybody is cautiously adjusting to the newly implemented protocols created by the government to ensure our safety and security. No one is exempted even Metro Manila’s top cop, Maj. Gen. Debold Sinas and 18 other police officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) who is now facing criminal charges and are on hot water for violation on the ban on mass gatherings and social distancing rules as reported by CNN Philippines, Rappler and other news portals around the country. This is amid the strong effort of the government to strictly follow the guidelines set by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases. Specified in Resolution No. 30-A, s. 2020 under Section 2 par. 7 which states Mass gatherings such as but not limited to movie screenings, concerts, sporting events, and other entertainment activities, community assemblies, religious gatherings and non-essential work gatherings shall be prohibited. Continue reading Help Defeat Covid-19 With S.O.A.P.

“I will never be the same”: Magnifying Leadership Skills

Worker with good attitude and leadership skills.
Inquire inside.”

The posting looked so ordinary, dull and dreary yet caught me two striking words: leadership skills.

“What makes a good leader?” I began to wonder. Nonetheless, I convinced myself that a somewhat boring job posting isn’t worth my time, so I gave my question a dismissive shrug, and then I continued to walk on my way. Continue reading “I will never be the same”: Magnifying Leadership Skills

Navigating the Way Forward Amidst the Differences: Secrets to Maintaining a Friendly Working Relationship

It is a well-known perspective that most of the employees would wish to perform well by delivering their tasks beyond what is expected from them. As much as possible when working without conflicts with their colleagues, be avoided especially with their immediate supervisors. Given this kind of working attitude and having the said perspective achieved, a healthy and productive organization is established, leading not just to a successful organization but to a lifelong success. Continue reading Navigating the Way Forward Amidst the Differences: Secrets to Maintaining a Friendly Working Relationship