Category Archives: Articles

How to Protect Your Kids Online

Kids nowadays have been spending more and more time on the internet for various online activities. Even before this pandemic happened, we have already observed that less and less children spend their free time outside their houses. Gone are the days when the streets are filled with children running around and playing traditional games. Today’s generation uses the internet to keep themselves entertained through watching Youtube videos or playing online games. As responsible parents of these millenial kids, are we aware how safe they are in this digital world? Well, you can take these tips: Continue reading How to Protect Your Kids Online

On Feeling Appreciated

Appreciation is recognizing or acknowledging the value to something.  There are several ways of showing gestures of appreciation to anyone. An option of expressions through words, simple tap of one’s shoulder or a thumbs up, at times extending effort in giving of something. Whichever way it is expressed, it is very important.  No one knows the impact of such gestures or expressions to the person concerned. The challenge though is the level of doing based one’s heart condition. Continue reading On Feeling Appreciated

Challenges of a Public Servant

Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly.   It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation. –Margaret Chase Smith

People nowadays, rush in when there are opportunities in the government service.  This is with the desire to land for a decent and secured job where earning for a living for the self, for the family and for the loved ones is being assured.  However, it could not be denied that several are too focused on the monetary benefits setting aside if not forget the best part and the essence in serving the public. Continue reading Challenges of a Public Servant

On Seeing Opportunities

“Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity.”    — Reed Markham

People see things in different perspective.  Some people see things on its bright and brilliant side or in other way around.  Whichever way one choose to see at things, circumstances, events, and even opportunities would greatly affect his way of life, way of dealing with people and with way of leading people. Continue reading On Seeing Opportunities

A Resilient Learners Today

No students in the history of education are like today’s modern learners. They are complex, tech savvy, energetic individual. They want to challenge, to collaborate, and to work with their peers and incorporate technology they loved into their classroom experience as they can. They have high set of expectations as their educators have on them.  They are aware of the ever-changing trends in society today. Continue reading A Resilient Learners Today