Category Archives: Articles

War on Worms (WOW)

dscn0305“Health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of – a blessing that money cannot buy.” Izaak Walton.

How could we say that our young learners are endomed  with blessings that money can’t buy when  perennial health problems precariously situated them and put them at the-risk of absenteeism, dropping out and non-performance in school due to some intestinal worms? Stomach pain and gas that causes discomfort, severe diarrhea and dysentery, breath that smells bad, constant feelings of hunger, dark circles under the eyes, bad dreams or restless sleep at night, anemia, headaches, loss of weight, extremely tired and exhausted, fever, irritability, increased feelings of anxiety and nervousness. These are the serious symptoms of intestinal worms that rob the soundness of body, mind and spirit of our young children. Continue reading War on Worms (WOW)

Essentials of Health Care

Manolito, a Grade VI pupil, is absent from the class today. His excuse letter says he suffers from toothache and that he needs to see a dentist and take a rest. Elsa, third grader, has been out from class since last week. Her mother informed the teacher through text message that she has stomach ache.

To address the problem on absenteeism, poor academic performance, high drop-out rate, and malnutrition among public school pupils, Department of Education teamed up with Colgate Palmolive Philippines in its program called Essential Health Care Program (EHCP) supported by the League of Provinces of the Philippines. Continue reading Essentials of Health Care

CCS bags EETA national excellence award

eeta1“Be an interested and sensitive innovator mindful of the needs and interests of the learners.”- a tagline used by Casisang Central School to represent the school’s “The Innovation To Make Innovation Program”. It helped make Casisang Central School one of the six 2016 Excellence in Educational Transformation Award (EETA) national awardees held last June 21 at Dolphy Theater, ABS-CBN compound, Quezon City. Continue reading CCS bags EETA national excellence award

Integrity on paper

Schools have their annual allocation for their maintenance and other operating expenses. Most schools receive their quarterly allotment while some schools with big allocations receive their allotment bi-monthly. These funds are released to the school through downloading of the funds in their respective checking accounts.

Usually, the biggest chunk of the school’s fund is intended for the procurement of office and school supplies. These supplies are determined after the School Improvement Plan has been prepared and approved. Continue reading Integrity on paper

Making time for your client

Government offices need more employees who could perform certain tasks to provide quality service and customer care which includes patience, cordiality, sincerity, willingness and expertise in work.

Republic Act No. 9485 stipulates the State shall maintain honesty and responsibility among its public officials and employees, and shall take appropriate measures to promote transparency in each agency with regard to the manner of transacting with the public, which shall encompass a program for the adoption of simplified procedures that will reduce red tape and expedite transactions in government Continue reading Making time for your client