Category Archives: Articles

Continuous Building of the Non-Teaching Employees Competence

One of the challenges of any public sector organization like the Department of Education is the continuous building of the non-teaching employees’ competence despite the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world that we are living. Indeed, it made us realized that there are concepts and practices in the government that employees need to unlearn, re-learn, and learn in order to continue the delivery of effective and efficient public service.  Face-to-face modality in facilitating capability building need to be un-learned as it is prohibited during the pandemic to ensure the employees’ health and safety.  There is a need to re-learn the competence and the competency level of the non-teaching employees as the basis in determining their competency needs and development interventions. There is also the need to learn the flexible modality in facilitating capability building which includes the synchronous and asynchronous modalities. Synchronous modality allows resource speakers to present their topics and interact with the participants at the same time using video or web conferencing while asynchronous modality allows participants to learn from the topics of the resource speakers at their own pace, place, process, and time. Continue reading Continuous Building of the Non-Teaching Employees Competence

Building a Resilient Non-teaching Workforce

Building a resilient non-teaching workforce in the public sector organization is essential in surviving and thriving the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity of general conditions and situations like the CoViD-19 pandemic in the world today. The non-teaching workforce in the government like DepEd needs to build resilience by doing reflection, investing time, and doing practice. The government can support its employees by providing training and tools essential in building their resilience in the workplace. When the organization and employees work together, the culture of organizational and individual resilience is developed. It demonstrates commitment between the government and employees. Continue reading Building a Resilient Non-teaching Workforce


The honor code is a statement use to address problems within a specific group or organization. Example in a school the group of students, parents, teachers and or the school in general. Specifically, to the school as an educational system, the purpose of this honor code is to link the meaning and importance of academic integrity to all members of the internal and external stakeholders and to articulate and support the interest of the community in maintaining the highest standards of conduct in student learning. Your school be it in elementary or secondary represents the essence of shared belief and intellectual honesty that is essential to the very nature of learning and represents the highest possible expression of shared values among the members of the school community. Continue reading HONOR CODE

2nd NCPAS: Edging towards a Shared Vision and Aspirations

The Department of Education (DepED), as the biggest bureaucracy in the government, endeavors to take significant measures in addressing and responding to the challenges through a shared vision of quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education for all. Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones professed that, “As Secretary of the Department, I am now given a rare privilege to seek and work out solutions from the inside. I am setting out this declaration of vision and agenda through which path I would endeavor to lead the Department.” (Public Schools of the Future, 2019) Continue reading 2nd NCPAS: Edging towards a Shared Vision and Aspirations