Category Archives: Articles

Conscientization in Cash Disbursement in the Government

The proper cash disbursement in the government has been a long-time issue that needs to be given proper and immediate action. Every establishment whether a private or a public firm needs a cash disbursement system to efficiently secure and handle the agency’s cash payments. Having efficient good internal control is vital in cash disbursements to ensure that cash is paid for legitimate transactions. Continue reading Conscientization in Cash Disbursement in the Government

Wear your M.A.S.K.S.

Remote working is becoming the new norm during this COVID-19 outbreak. Although this work scheme is no longer unusual, it has increasingly gained in popularity in the past few months. In the Philippines, the government, through the Civil Service Commission has issued guidelines on the alternative work arrangements to its various offices. While this set-up aims at protecting the employees’ welfare from this pandemic, one question remains. How do employees increase productivity at work amidst this global health crisis?

Productivity is hard to gauge since nobody can work at optimal efficiency at all times. However, there are some best practices to make better use of our time especially when working away from our respective workstations through these M.A.S.K.S.: Continue reading Wear your M.A.S.K.S.

The WHYs of Government Procurement

One of the most challenging jobs in the government is the one that involves in procurement.  Procurement or simply, to purchase refers to the whole process of acquisition from third parties and covers goods, services, and infrastructure projects. My journey with the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) is no ordinary experience.  One has to study the Procurement Law by heart. He has to be very keen on the procedure and the timelines of the procurement activities. All members of the BAC shall be on a “jury duty” type of assignment in order to complete the entire procurement process at the earliest possible time.  “Jury duty” means a state by which the members give utmost priority to BAC assignment over all the other duties and responsibilities until the requirements for the said assignments at hand are completed. Continue reading The WHYs of Government Procurement