All posts by arias

Building Self-Esteem Among Children this Time of Pandemic

The moment we had our Work from Home scheme to combat the rising number of Covid-19 cases in the country or in the province gave us the time to unleash our inner Super Parents selves. Working at home while seeing our children doing the things they want to do in our abode relieves as from all anxieties we feel while the news all over the television revolves mostly on the rising death toll, decreasing or increasing number of covid-19 patients’ recovery, and the number of new cases in just a single day. On a brighter side, the existence of Covid-19 pandemic to us working parents is that we are able to make a better bond and communication towards our growing children. In more than 8 hours per day 5 days a week shift allotted time working in the department our time is owned solely by the Government, and finally, the pandemic had given us the chance to be with our off springs. Much of self-building in children depends on what parents say and do, parental behavior in the home is a factor in the strengthening or weakening of the child’s self-image. Continue reading Building Self-Esteem Among Children this Time of Pandemic

It is Never Too Late to be on Time

The importance of Punctuality in the workplace…

Being late on personal meet ups is tolerable but it is not a good habit in the workplace. Punctuality is a good trait of a person that can be admired and respected. It is more vital at the workplace especially that we are expected to meet the needs of the organization. Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and helps you stand out as a reliable and trustworthy employee. Continue reading It is Never Too Late to be on Time

Challenging Today’s Generation to Establish the Habit of Reading Books

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” – Walt Disney

In today’s time, reading books is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have taken over as a source of information. People are becoming more interested in who is saying this and the point they are making. It is as if we are living in a sea of opinions. Others have resorted to literary appreciation through movies, dramas and series. There is nothing wrong with embracing the technology we have today but we must never forget the old ways such as reading books in their paperback versions and writing our thoughts about it on a piece of paper. Continue reading Challenging Today’s Generation to Establish the Habit of Reading Books