All posts by arias

GSIS Memorial Planholders may file for refund until August 31, 2013

The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) has announced that its memorial planholders may request to convert their plans to cash not lower than the contract price until August 31, 2013.

Dubbed GSIS Enhanced Optional Exit Mechanism (EOEM), the program allows planholders to refund their cash payments depending on the type of their memorial plan.

The GSIS said EOEM is being implemented to protect the planholders from memorial servicing problems that may arise in the future, adding that the cash refund will enable the planholders to pay for their other expenses.

Holders of the GSIS Genesis Flexi Plan may refund 150 percent of the plan’s contract price; those of Genesis Plus Plan may refund 125 percent; and Genesis Plan and Genesis Special Plan, 100 percent.

Interested planholders must bring to the nearest GSIS branch office the fully accomplished application form; original and photocopy of the memorial plan agreement or affidavit of loss; original and photocopy of the planholder’s two valid government-issued IDs; and certificate of full payment, if any.

According to GSIS, once planholders avail of EOEM, their memorial plans will be automatically terminated.

Application forms are available at any GSIS branch office or may be downloaded at the GSIS website:

For further clarifications on the exit mechanism, planholders may call the GSIS Contact Center at 847-4747.

Consultation on Targets and Strategies

strat planning2As part of the preparation for FY 2014 DepEd Plans and Budget Proposals, Five (5) Division Office Personnel, namely: SDS Edilberto L. Oplenaria, EPS Ralph T. Quirog (Social Studies), EPS Analy L. Ocier (Science), EPS Allan L. Mansaladez (ALS) and Planning Officer Paul John P. Arias participated in the FY 2014 Regional Strategic Planning and Budgeting at Regional Learning Center (RELC), Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City last March 20-24, 2013.

To beef up DepEd thrust and programs Malaybalay City Division will roll out Strategic andstrat planning1 Budgeting Planning Workshop to all Public Schools District Supervisors (PSDSs) and School Heads (SHs) in the Division this summer. This is to support the Presidents Ten (10) Point Agenda of the present administration on Education namely: 12 Years basic Education, Universal Pre-Schooling, Madaris Education, Technical and Vocational Education, Every Child a Reader by Grade I, Improvement of Science and Math, Expanding Government Assistance to Private Education, MTB-MLE, Better Textbooks, and Built More Schools with the Local Government Units (LGU).

To evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of these programs, a quick assessment will be made based on the schools performance indicators like Gross Enrolment Rate(GER),Net Enrolment Rate(NER), Cohort Survival Rate (CSR),  and School Leaver Rate(SLR). These indicators will show how a certain school performs on the desired targets of the Division and Region as well.

A school SWOT (Strength, Weakneses, Opportunities, and Threats) both internal and external assessment may contribute to the identification of strategies and realize possible setting of priorities that will help to raise the level of performance in the implementation of these Programs, Activities,  and Projects( PAPs) of the Schools, District, and Division. This will guide all stakeholders on the right tract. School Heads and District Supervisors and all in the DepEd System  will have a situational analysis  on the major challenges/concern, weaknesses and strength  in order to achieve the targets  that will suit to Quality, Relevance, Access and Governance.

                                                                                    By: RALPH T. QUIROG
EPS Designate in Social Studies

Let’s DO 62

IP1The Department of Education is extending the call to all DepEd officials, administrators, teachers and stakeholders to act on Department Order No. 62, s. 2011 entitled Adopting the National Indigenous Peoples Education Policy Framework.

“This DepEd Order recognizes the faults of the past. It is an invitation for us to change our perspective – the glasses that we normally use to see reality – and exchange that with a perspective that allows us to really be inclusive. Furthermore, it is an invitation to learn with, not just to teach in, indigenous communities that have always been on the sidelines”, DepEd Secretary Armin A. Luistro remarked during the signing of DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011 on August 8, 2011.

DepEd is adopting D.O. 62 in line with the country’s commitment to achieve its targets of Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to pursue the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA).

It intends to promote shared accountability, continuous dialog, engagement, and partnership among IP communities, civil society, and other education stakeholders.

D.O. 62 is the result of a consultation conducted among the representatives from Indigenous Peoples (IP) communities, civil society, and other government agencies.

The Philippine Constitution (1987) stipulates that the state shall “protect and promote the IP2right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and all shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all” (Art. XIV, Sec. 1). It further mandates the state to “recognize, respect, and protect the rights of indigenous cultural communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and institutions” (Art. XIV, Sec. 17)

The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act *(IPRA) of 1997 (RA No. 8371) mandates the state to “provide equal access to various cultural opportunities to the ICCs/IPs through the educational system, public and cultural entities, scholarships, grants and other incentives without prejudice to their rights… in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning”.

The UN Declaration on the rights of IPs (2007) also contains similar provisions on IPs right to education.

All DepEd offices and units are enjoined to effectively communicate this policy to all concerned stakeholders. Hence, the Division of Malaybalay City will be conducting the launching and orientation of this program as soon as the go signal is given.                                                                                                               jdzamora


arcenoBangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Department of Education awarded Mrs. Zelda T. Arceno last February 26, 2013 at DepED Region 10 Office, Cagayan de Oro City for being the Mindanao Area Winner for Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan in the 2012 Search for GURO NG PAG-ASA – (Gantimpala para sa Ulirang Pagtuturo ng Pag-iimpok at Araling Pansalapi).

Mrs. Arceno’s commendable performance was recognized due to her dedication in integrating Financial Education through the use of teaching guides in Araling Panlipunan (AP), Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) and Edukasyong Pagpapakatao (EsP)

The Schools Division Superintendent, Mr. Edilberto L. Oplenaria was with her on stage receiving the Certificate of Recognition and a cheque of Php 50,000.00 from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

Three years ago, Mrs. Zelda T. Arceno was a Master Teacher I of Malaybalay City Central School when the Search had started.  Had it not been the promotion she is holding now, as a School Principal in St. Peter Elementary School in Far East District, she would have been the winner in the whole Philippines as asserted by one of the judges in the Search.

The Director of the Corporate Affairs Office of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Ms. Fe M. De La Cruz hoped that the accomplishments of Mrs. Arceno together with the other winners of the 2012 Guro ng Pag-asa will encourage more teachers to continue empowering school children to become more financially independent. She also looked forward to having many more excellent nominees from Region 10 for this year’s Search.

Finally, Ms. Arceno is very happy with her great achievement.

By:          ANA BELEN S. MURING, Ph.D.
               Division EPP Coordinator