All posts by arias

What You Should Know About Teacher’s Leave

Government employees are expected to perform their duties and responsibilities effectively and efficiently.  The government in return, acknowledges hard work and grants benefits such as leave privileges.  The Omnibus Rules on Leave consolidates & updates all laws & administrative issuances relative to leave Administration in government sector. Non-Teaching personnel in DepEd are entitled to 15 days vacation and 15 days sick leave annually.  On the other hand, Teachers engaged in actual classroom teaching are under Teacher’s Leave basis.  The subsequent paragraphs will expound everything you should know about Teacher’s Leave.

Who is a Teacher? The term “teacher” refers to teachers who do not have to report for classes during Christmas and long summer vacation and still be entitled to their regular compensation as defined under DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003.

On Teacher’s Leave. Teachers are not entitled to the usual vacation and sick leave credits but to Proportional Vacation Pay (PVP).  The total PVP that shall be earned by teachers shall be based by the computation to be provided by DepEd every school year. A teacher who has rendered continuous service in a school year without incurring absences without pay of not more than 1½ days is entitled to the total PVP earned from the number of summer and Christmas vacation days as determined by the DepEd.(sec. 6 of CSC MC No. 41, s. 1998 as amended by CSC MC No. 9, s. 2012)

Vacation Service Credits. Sec. 9, MC 41,s.1998 defines Vacation Service Credits as the leave credits earned for services rendered on activities, during summer or Christmas vacation, as authorized by proper authority.  These vacation service credits are used to offset absences of a teacher due to illness or to offset proportional deduction in vacation salary due to absences for personal reasons or late appointment.

When funds are not available for the grant of additional compensation or overtime pay, VACATION SERVICE CREDITS may be granted for services rendered beyond the required working hours during school days, which is exclusive of the 15 days limitation under DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2003.

Request for Service Credits accompanied by Accomplishment Report and Daily Time Record (DTR) shall be accomplished and submitted after completion of vacation service.  Vacation Service Credit shall not be granted for services rendered without previous authority.

Teachers who are designated to perform non-teaching functions and who render the same hours of service as other employees shall be entitled to vacation and sick leave as provided for under CSC MC No. 41, s. 1998.

School/District Property Custodians.  Teachers designated on part-time basis as Property Custodians and who are required to render services during the summer vacation to conduct property inventory after the closing and before the opening of classes shall likewise be granted Vacation Service Credits of not more than 15 days, also exclusive of the 15 days limitation.

ALS Mobile Teachers. DepEd Order No. 64, s. 2011 provides Equal Opportunities and Standard Implementation of DepEd Policies for the ALS Implementors.  The ALS Teacher, better known as Mobile Teacher, and District ALS Coordinator (DALSC) follows a flexible teaching schedule without summer vacation and different teaching hours to meet the learning needs of the ALS learners, the Mobile Teacher/DALSC is entitled to earn leave credits and avail of the privilege of monetization of leave credits.

Other Leave Benefits. Other Leave benefits of teachers such as Study Leave and Indefinite Sick Leave are covered by Section 24 and 25 of RA 4670 (Magna Carta for Public School Teachers).

Study Leave of not exceeding one (1) school year may be granted to teachers who have rendered at least seven (7) years in service. A teacher shall be entitled to at least 65% of his monthly salary provided he takes regular study load & passes at least 75% of the courses.  Study leave of more than one (1) year shall be permitted by the DepEd Secretary but without compensation.

Indefinite Leave is granted to Teachers when the nature of the illness demands a long treatment that will exceed one year at the least.  A teacher applying for indefinite sick leave of absence should submit a Medical Certificate (CS Form 41) and CS Form 6 (Application for Leave) stating the approximate maximum number of days he expects to be on leave, subject to change as the government physician may recommend.

-By: Florabelle R. Porras
       Records Officer – Designate

Trending K+12 Program: Change for the Phil. Education System

Better change, quality, well-trained, leading, credible, competent – these are few of the words that best describe the K+12 Basic Education Program. It has been implemented and everyone is expecting for a better-trained and competent citizens of the country.

The Department of Education implements the K +12  program. This program of study gave birth to the third curriculum being used in the secondary education at present. The K +12 adds additional two years to prepare students for college. DepEd aims to be at par with other Asian countries that have 12 years education cycle. Teachers attended trainings about the new curriculum and new lessons.Ref: DepEd # 31 s. 2012

This program gives advantage to Grades 11 and 12 having an option whether to push through academics, to go to sports if they are inclined or to be equipped with skills that the job market needs. A plan to shorten the 4 year cycle in college into 3 year gives way to senior high to learn the basics.

Before the program was implemented, Philippines is one of the few countries that has 10 years of basic education system (6 years elementary and 4 years in secondary). With this short period of time, Filipinos were deemed to be incompetent towards the growing demand and integrated global economy. The countries like Japan and Korea are two of the Asian countries that provide best results in terms of education.

However, this program received a lot of criticisms especially from the parents and a few from the students – well, that is inevitable! Feedback from parents of affected and will-be affected parents and guardians were heard during the General Assembly of the school’s Parents and Teachers Association. A mixed reaction was obviously seen and heard. Some said that this might only be an experimentation stage that might possibly be changed with the election of another President. Situations of universities and colleges would be undertaking during the two year transition period were also questioned. On the other side, comments of additional learning on the part of the students with the implementation of the K+12 were also highlighted.

It is true that this would be “somehow costly” dubbed by the parents since the years of learning are extended. Some say that the number of years increased but the quality of education is just the same – which seems “useless” then. Students may be tired of studying, thinking that it would be a long journey for them before they get their jobs. Negative or positive assumptions, this program provides a QUALITY that students need.

Bottom line is, we need to support this program rather than criticize it. It is a reality that some are contented and many are not. Any curriculum is worth the try. If implemented thoroughly and completely. Albert Einstein once uttered that “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school”.

By: Rufelia J. Limbengco
      Administrative Officer III / Cashier II

Social Media: Merely the Latest Hot Fad

As far as revolutions go, the explosion of social media across our planet is probably one of the most significant. Social Media’s unique point in popularity is hardly surprising. Not only has it completely transformed the way we communicate, the sharp richness and immediacy of content now at our fingertips is nothing short of a miracle. But the upsides of social media far outweigh the occasional annoyances. The thing is, there are people who do care, even about the trivial.

While technology has undoubtedly enhanced our lives in many ways, the innovations of tomorrow promise something even more profound. Were on the verge of a dramatic transformation that will unleash our creativity, strengthen our connections to the people who are important to us, and change the way we understand and interact with the world.

Imagine the world where almost any surface will be digital display that delivers exactly the right information based on your preferences. Your office desk becomes the surface on which you can see your day’s schedule, or check for up-to-the-minute news on the internet. Your car can point you in the direction of the least expensive fuel while selecting the music that’s sync with your mood. You will even be able to help your grandmother blow out the candles on the cake at her 90th birthday, despite being on opposite sides of the world.

This is not science fiction, but reality in the not-too-distant future. IT may sound exciting and scary all at the same time, but for better or worse, it is the way the world is going. Embracing these will not only help you stay in control, it will transform your life for the better. Ref:

By: Rufelia J. Limbengco
      Administrative Officer III / Cashier II

Rationalization Program: Mistaken Notions Clarified

Upon knowing the rationalization plan, many people were confused and some have questions. So, what is really this CSC Memorandum Circular Number 03 series 2014?

On December 3, 2014 the Department of Education disseminated DepEd Order No. 53 s. 2013 specifying the step by step process of the rationalization program. It was a program mandated in October 2004 through Executive Order  366, which the DepEd revisited in December 2011 “in light of long term reforms needed in the education sector notwithstanding fast-changing demands of the local and global environment”. The said Executive Order prohibited the hiring and rehiring of personnel during the plan preparation, which explains the vacant items. But the situation is different on the ground, where more teachers and non- teaching staff are actually needed.

Moreover, the Rationalization program is a move to transform the Executive Branch into a more effective and efficient government. It aims to focus government efforts on its vital functions and channel government resources to these core public services; and improve the efficiency of government services, within affordable levels, and in the most accountable manner. The scheme aims to rid the department, the country’s biggest bureaucracy with 500,000 teaching and non-teaching personnel nationwide, of the redundant functions as part of the government’s streamlining policy to reduce budget expenditures. The affected employees meanwhile may either be placed in a comparable position or choose the status of co-terminus to the incumbent (CTI). Under the CTI, an employee gets to keep his/her item with the same rank, salary grade and benefits until she/he chooses to retire, resign or if she/he gets appointed to another position. Furthermore, the CTI scheme allows an affected regular employee who is currently 40 years of age were given option to choose whether to keep his/her item until she/he chooses to leave government service or to retire at the age of 60-65. By then the vacated item will no longer be filled up.

Therefore, contrary to reports that thousands of employees will lose their jobs due to the rationalization program. On the contrary, this will even usher in the hiring of new people since there is no mass and forced resignation of people who work in DepEd.

By: Rufelia J. Limbengco
      Administrative Officer III / Cashier II

DepEd Rationalization Program Clarified

The main purpose of the country’s program of rationalization on the executive branches is the government quest for globalization of the country’s basic product and services. It encourages its branches to look into its structure and make strategic changes on its organizational structure and staffing that will focus on the core governance function of the agency and improve its performance in service delivery and productivity as mandated by Executive Order (EO) No.366. 

Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 53, s.2013, the Department of Education Rationalization Program was approved by the Department of Budget and Management last November 15, 2013 and the management is given only a maximum of four (4) months from the date of its approval to position its employees in the new staffing pattern. The positions affected are those in the plantilla occupying permanent positions in the central office, regional offices, school division offices, and its casual and contractual employees under Personal Services fund, whose appointments were attested by the Civil Service Commission. All positions (teaching and non-teaching) in the schools, DepEd-ARMM, those funded through MOOE and of Foreign Fund are not included in the Rationalization Program of the department.

The Malaybalay City Division has already identified positions which will be abolished, merged and created under the DepEd RATprogram. Affected employees (non-teaching Division Personnel) of the program have options of whether to remain in the department under Co-terminus with the Incumbent (CTI) status wherein the employee may express his intention to apply for the newly created position (following the placement process) if they qualify or remain in his present position, another option is to retire or be separated from the government service with incentives under E.O. 366.

To further explain the two options stated above. First, those who choose the option to retire will receive an additional incentive of not less than Php 50,000 under E.O. 366 aside from the regular benefits they can get from the GSIS and other regular terminal leave benefits. However, they are not allowed to apply in any government agencies for the next five (5) years except in the hospitals and public school which is not included in the RAT program.

The second option is for those who opted to remain in the government service under CTI status wherein they will be retained in their current plantilla item with the same salary grade and are still entitled to receive step increment and all other government benefits attached to their current position.  They will be holding their own plantilla item until the date they opted to retire, resign or be appointed to a higher position and at the time they will leave their item such will be abolished or no replacement will be made. In addition to this option an employee may express his intention to be placed under comparable positions if they are qualified following the placement process provided that it may be within the same job group, or up to three (3) salary grade higher only.  However, those who are interested to apply for the new or higher vacant positions, they can choose CTI status while applying for the position they aim for in the new structure. If ever they don’t get appointed, they can retain their CTI status and if luckily they will be appointed in the applied position their old item will be abolished. This is how this RATprogram will go through. Hope this will give light on so many questions regarding this program. Good luck to all affected personnel.

By: Novem Abao Sescon,  Administrative Officer II/HRMO-1