All posts by arias

MCD Honors Palarong Pambansa Winners

20140512_203106To honor the athletes who won during the 2014 Palarong Pambansa, DepEd   Malaybalay City Division had a motorcade last May 13 around Malaybalay City.

This was spearheaded by Mr. Edilberto L. Oplenaria, Schools Division Superintendent with the full support of the force from Division Promotional Staff comprising the Education Program Supervisors, Public Schools District Supervisors and all Elementary and Secondary School Administrators.

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School Health Bulletin May-October 2014

MAY 2014

1 – Suggested SBM SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAM activities to be integrated in NATIONAL MAINTENANCE WEEK i.e.
  • School and Classrooms inspection for safety, sanitation,ventilation, proper lighting and seating arrangements.Elimination of unnecessary furniture and bulletin boards inside the classroom is advised.
  • Refurbish and sanitize School Offices and classroom lavatories, Canteens, Lunch and Feeding Centers, School Clinics and the entire premises to reinforce advocacies on DENGUE – PREVENTION and other water-borne diseases prevention.
  • Construction or renovation of Indoor/Outdoor  Handwashing and Toothbrushing (Essential Health Care Program-EHCP) facilities for group activities ,and provide adequate water supply for drinking and handwashing. (Reg’l. Memo. No. 36 s. 2014,DepEd Memo no. 124 s. 2013 and Division Memo no. 124 s. 2013).
  • Revitalize FOOD PRODUCTION Projects and organic farming / GULAYAN SA PAARALAN for year – round food supply to complement School – Based Feeding Program.
  • Sanitize and maintain safe WASTE DISPOSAL AREA and practice waste segregation, composting and practice 5Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle, repair, rethink).

2 – Identify stakeholders of  ADOPT A SCHOOL and SCHOOL-BASED FEEDING PROGRAM (SBFP) “Hot Meals for 100-120 feeding days” for provision of commodity or financial support. (DepEd Order no. 54 s. 2013) Submission of List of school’s identified partners due May 26,2014, Attn: Analy L. Ocier EPS –Division SBFP Focal Person.

JUNE 2014

1  –  Division Orientation of School Heads/Focal person on 2014-2015 DepEd – DSWD School – Based Feeding Program.

2 – Height and Weight Measurement of pupils/students and personnel .Consolidated Baseline Nutritional Status reports submission not later than June 20,2014, to the Office of the District Supervisors.

3  –  Submission of Masterlist of Beneficiaries for School-based Feeding Program (SBFP) Division Office Attn: Analy L. Ocier EPS – Division SBFP Focal Person June 23, 2014. (see enclosed SBFP Forms 1 and 2)

4 – Proposed Essential Health Care Program (EHCP) signing of Memorandum of Agreement between DepEd, Division of Malaybalay City and Malaybalay City Government.

5 – School reproduction and distribution of  Individual Health Examination Cards to  Kindergarten,/Grade I  and Grade VII Students , transferees and T/NT Personnel for  annual health profiling.

JULY 2014

1 – 1st round Mass deworming of students –School consolidated reports shall be submitted to the Office of the District Supervisors on or before July 25, 2014.

JULY- AUGUST 2014 – Commencement of 2014 School-Based Feeding Program.

OCTOBER – Midline Nutritional Assessment of Wasted and Severely Wasted pupils and SBFP beneficiaries

  • School Consolidated report due October 24, 2014, submitted the Office of the District Supervisors.

June – October (1stsemester) Health personnel conduct school visitations, Health and Nutrition Program monitoring,evaluation,provision of health services and technical assistance on health  and nutrition.

shns/nld/2014Posted in School Health BUZZ Corner

Personal Data at Your Fingertips DepEd – HRIS

The orientation and planning on gathering of personnel data for all teaching and non-teaching personnel through-out the Division of Malaybalay City last September 25-27, 2013 started the  first phase of the Human Resource Information System (HRIS). This activity involved all District Supervisors, School Principals and School Heads with their Information Communications Technology (ICT) Coordinator, after the said planning, the gathering of data also started in all schools covered by this Division following the prescribed template designed for the purpose by the DepEd Central Office.

This standardized Human Resource system can simplify various process of data gathering from the field. It was introduced by the Department of Education through the Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao (BEAM) Project, a partnership of DepEd and the Australian Government through Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), which aims to improve the quality and access to basic education in Southern and Central Mindanao.     

What is HRIS all about?  Tannenbaum defined this as a “technology-based system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve and distribute pertinent information regarding an organization’s human resource”. Kovach defines it also as a “systematic procedure for collecting, storing, maintaining, retrieving and validating data needed by organization about its human resources, personnel activities and organization unit characteristics”.  It is basically integration of Human Resource Management (HRM) and Information Technology.

Currently, the department relies on the manual updating of its personnel information which is most likely inaccurately and not reliable. Since every field office has its own Automated Human Resources System in various formats and platforms. Integrating/consolidating such generated data takes time and often becomes a tedious process on the part of the Division Offices as well as the Central Office. In case of processing of appointment, step increments and employees’ Service records, the personnel in-charge has to take time browsing, scanning and reviewing voluminous documents filed by the Division office or rely mainly on the Personal Data Sheet (PDS) for work experience, trainings attended, educational attainment and many more. With the implementation of DepEd HRIS, teachers need not leave their classes just to request for service record or verification of their service credits.  They will simply download in their District HRIS offices.

This program has been piloted in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), Region 3, Region 4-A, Region 4-B,  the National Capital Region (NCR) as well as the DepEd Central Office who had the  first-hand experience on its successful implementation. Last September 2013 the DepEd Central Office HRIS Technical Working Team (TWG) conducted a regional orientation on the gathering of data to the rest of the regional offices throughout the department for the same purpose.

By the end of October 2013 the Division of Malaybalay City has submitted to be Central Office a consolidated Division personnel data of all teaching and non-teaching staff gathered from the schools and district offices and still awaits its full implementation. As DepEd Undersecretary for Budget and Finance Teodosio Sangil, Jr said, “This HRIS is the answer to DepEd’s pressing problems. It will make information readily available to the decision-makers in our department.”

By:  Novem Abao Sescon


Better Days Are Here for MCDNEA

parliaThe Malaybalay City Division Non-Teaching Employees Association (MCDNEA) takes on a new direction following the formulation of its Constitution and By- Laws by its officers, next step action planning for CY 2014, and orientation of parliamentary procedures last April 21, 2014 at Broadway Grills and Resto Malaybalay City.

Pursuant to DepEd Memorandum No. 204, S.2013 and the inception of the DepEd National Employees Union (DepEd-NEU) for DepEd Non-Teaching Employees, the Division pooled its effort to organize its officers for School Year 2014-2015 as duly recognized affiliate of the said union.

This endeavor offers a new beginning and opportunity for MCDNEA to heighten the advocacy in promoting the rights and concerns of the non-teaching employees who have equally served in the field of education and whose contribution to the attainment of the Department’s EFA Goals is indispensable.

Under this circumstance, there’s much reasons to rejoice and hope for that now more than ever, the non-teaching employees are given representation under the Collective Negotiation Agreement that upon its ratification all non-academic rank-and-file employees are given protection and security of tenure among others and can enjoy other benefits not fixed by law  and as such, a more secured, enriched, active and committed public servants will thrive in this division to make way for a quality delivery of public service and improved agency performance.

Indeed the MCDNEA cannot thank enough to the Schools Division Superintendent and MCDNEA adviser Edilberto L. Oplenaria for his magnanimous inspiration, to the Officers for their dauntless support headed by Ms. Jutchel L. Nayra, the President and the Administrative Officer of the Division for her spirited leadership and to Mr. Elson L. Dahilog whose expertise greatly helped the Officers complete the Constitution and By-Laws and willingly conducted orientation on Parliamentary Procedures. Equal share of gratitude is also extended to the Division Staff namely: Janice L. Maglangit, Cecile B. Dayak, Roxel M. Gimarangan and Rosalie Lapiceros who efforts and skills are undeniably remarkable to the success of this undertaking.

For MCDNEA, it can only hope that its best days are here, its best years are yet to unfold and vision realized. Led by the officers namely: Ms. Jutchel L. Nayra, the President; Ms. Francisca V. Pagobo, Vice President; Ms. Denise Kareen L. Casinabe, Secretary; Ms. Rufelia J. Limbengco, Treasurer; Ms. Rhysa Cyle C. Rosalejos, Auditor; Ms. Nancy L. Dequito, Public Relation Officer and Mr. Camilo G. Melig Jr. Sgt. At Arms. Alone we can do so little but together we can do so much (Helen Keller). Kudos MCDNEA 2014-2015 Officers! (more photos…)

By: Francisca V. Pagobo
      Guidance Coordinator III
      Bukidnon National High school

Footprints Leave Legacies

Educational Institutions can carry out their goals specially   if the management is systematic and has the capacity to decide on   administrative matters. School Heads (SHs) will come-and-go but they leave     good memories and examples to their teachers and students.

It was January 8, 2013 when the School Head of Silae National High School announced that he will be transferred to a   school    nearer     to his home. He is a person of integrity and “maka-masa”. We learned lots of things from him– being on-time during activities and programs, attending flag ceremony, and giving reminders to everyone. During his administration, there was a big participation of the stakeholders because he strengthened the School Governing Council (SGC). Besides, he stressed during our first General Parents-Teachers Association (GPTA) meeting that “it takes the whole village to educate a child”. He further said “A school is not owned by the principal nor the teachers but it is a home for everybody which aims to produce graduates of high quality. This can be achieved through participation of the barangay council, legal organizations, parents, school head, people in the community, teachers, as well as the students”. He bade goodbye to everyone with tears during the despedida party.

January 10, 2013, a new face came to our school with a strong personality. He has a unique way of dealing with the teachers. He is a man of good principle. During our first faculty meeting/conference, he emphasized that an organization will succeed if there is teamwork and simplicity. “Don’t make things complicated”. That’s what he wanted. “Right communication to a right direction”, he added. He possesses the traits of an administrator, firm in all his decisions but very friendly specially to his teachers. During his time, students’ self-discipline and courtesy were enhanced. He is always willing to help. There were times when we were financially incapacitated– during the Division Meet, MTAP Challenge, STEP Conference, and other school-related activities but he spent even his personal money to solve the problems of the school. In his administration, the name of the school gained prestige and was recognized not only in the Division Office but also in the region because some of our students won in the contests specially in Araling Panlipunan, TLE, and in Sports, specifically Athletics. Emotionally and physically fatigue teachers regain their energy specially during the faculty conference because he has the sense of humor that makes us laugh/smile.

Aside from being the school principal, he is the Big Bro of our school. Due to an urgent need of an administrator/principal in Managok National High School, he received a designation order from our Schools Division Superintendent to report in the said school effective January 29, 2014.  The students and teachers had their despedida program last February, 2014 to express their heartfelt gratitude to him.

By: Rogelio M. Miñoza
      OIC – Silae NHS – St. Peter Annex