All posts by arias

ICT Inventory for GIFMIS Readiness

Executive Order No. 55 was signed into law by President Benigno S. Aquino III last September 6, 2011 which gave birth to the Philippine Public Financial Management (PFM) Reform Program composed of the Commission on Audit (COA), Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Department of Finance (DOF) and Bureau of Treasury (BTr) authorized to oversee and coordinate the integration and automation of government financial systems, and implementation of PFM roadmap (Sec. 3.b, EO No. 55). This roadmap seeks to clarify, simplify, improve and harmonize the government’s financial management processes and information systems. (Program Brief, PFM,

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Good Use of Time

As rational beings, men should act in accordance to reason. Man was created with the specific calling to work and cooperate with GOD in his continuing work of creation. According to Dr. Jacobson G. Kliatcho “If you are justified in having to do the things you do, there is need for you to allocate time within which to accomplish them.”

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