All posts by arias

MCD’s Compliance on the ARTA

arta1The Civil Service Commission (CSC) reiterates agency compliance of the Republic Act (RA) No. 9485, also known as the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) of 2007, through the release of CSC Memorandum Circular No. 9, s. 2014. CSC Chairman Francisco T. Duque III emphasized that the head of office or agency shall be primarily responsible for the implementation of the ARTA.

The Department of Education exerted positive efforts in the adoption and implementation of ARTA consistent to DepEd Memorandum No. 342, s. 2009 in the DepEd Central Office, Regional Offices, Division Offices, Districts and public schools. Further, DepEd Order No. 37, s. 2013 was also issued which required the submission of compliance reports of its field offices and schools to the DepEd Central Office last October 2013.

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Performance Assessment Based on Result

The Result-based Performance Management System (RPMS) of the DepEd supports the Vision, Mission and Values of the agency as it continuously endeavor to evolve as a learner-centered public institution.

The RPMS is an intervention that will help ensure the strategic, responsive, and effective delivery of Human Resources Management & Development (HRMD) services at all levels of DepEd so that it can effectively implement a learner centered, School-based Management System anchored on the k-12 strategies to improve the quality of public schools.

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A System of Conducting Formal Meetings

meetingParliamentary rules are a set of proven “rules” used to move business during a meeting. It is a guideline and a system that allows an organization to conduct business in a fair and democratic manner.

An organization should have its Constitution and By-laws to know rules, duties and functions of each officer and member. It guides the officer how to run the organization efficiently and effectively. Thus, specific policies, rights and privileges are known to all concerned.

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Stress Management & Team Building: A Revitalizing Move for MCD Non-teaching Employees

The nostress mgntn-teaching employees, as front-liners in the office operations and services, perform daily routine of work which is focused on the tasks at hand. Similar with other organizations, the Malaybalay City Division non-teaching employees are not exempted from stress which may be attributed from the constant change and challenges in governance. Apparently, this ripples through the Office and de-motivates the entire workforce which most likely contributes to individual and organizational ineffectiveness. As pointed out by WebMB Medical (2013), stress is a fact of life which people may not be able to get rid but can look for ways.

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