All posts by arias

Enhanced preparation of school MOOE liquidation ensures proper use of funds

The budget is one provision from where the school derives its existence. Not merely to exist but to function productively. The school’s Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) is downloaded to the school’s account for the management and disbursement of the school head. The division office tries to see to it that the annual allocation of each school is fully released by the end of the year. This is to ensure that the allocation will be fully utilized by the school for its purpose. Continue reading Enhanced preparation of school MOOE liquidation ensures proper use of funds

Malaybalay City school heads, coordinators equipped on ICT literacy

pic. articleln support to the 2015-2017 Division Technology Plan and Division Strategic Program on lCT4Ed, 65 school heads and 81 school ICT coordinators were equipped on ICT literacy at Loiza’s Pavilion, Casisang, Malaybalay City, July 5-7.

The activity aims to prepare teachers to become users of various ICT tools to allow students to benefit from technology; to build on ICT skills to perform job roles related to teaching and administrative functions; to train the School ICT Coordinators on the content, program and delivery method of the ICT Literacy Training Workshop for school level cascading; to equip the School ICT Coordinators on the use of software in the DCP for teaching and learning; and to train the school ICT Coordinators in their role of supporting DepEd Information Systems. Continue reading Malaybalay City school heads, coordinators equipped on ICT literacy

Granting of DepEd Provident Loan

Now a day, we see every single thing has a monetary value. In raising and educating a child, medical expenses, meeting our basic needs and most especially paying for unexpected emergency expenses. Even those who already have stable jobs do not have enough budgets to pay for their daily needs. We seek for another source of income and one common means is to apply for loan.

In line with the Department of Education goal to provide officials and employees with benefits and loans for emergency needs, for their education and of their children, for their hospitalization and that of their immediate dependents and other similar purposes as determined by the Board of Trustees (DECS Order No. 50, s. 2001), the Department of Education established Provident Fund under DepEd Order 97, s. 1992. Continue reading Granting of DepEd Provident Loan

A Reflection on Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Life is about making choices. Life does not just “happen”. We are free to choose what we want to do but we cannot choose the consequences of our actions. Each situation is an opportunity to do things differently to produce positive results.

The book of Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, has become a framework for personal development. The concepts may be used for life in general and help people develop, change, and become better in life. The concepts are easy to understand that it is even taught starting at preschool of a certain school in Malaybalay City. The mentoring continues on to high school with the school’s desire to develop in the students essential life skills and characteristics needed to mold future leaders. Continue reading A Reflection on Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Frugality in Government, Stewardship Among Employees

Several years back, I remember the previous office I was working in issued a memorandum requiring employees to observe austerity measures in the office. Initially, it brought on a lot of grumbling and complaining from it being irrelevant to being unfair.

Despite the complaining though, it was followed nonetheless. Eventually the people got used to it. They became mindful of their usage of electricity and became watchful in the usage of office materials and supplies. And it made a big difference by bringing down the monthly electricity consumption and extending the inventory of supplies. Continue reading Frugality in Government, Stewardship Among Employees