All posts by arias

Senior High School: a tool for change

Filipinos are known to be competitive in the international community but our education system hinders us from becoming even more competitive. The Senior High School program offers a solution to that problem.

The implementation of Senior High School program is the key to national development. Though the government faces many problems as it implements the program over the course of several years, it is a necessary improvement since increasing the quality of education is critical to nation’s success. Continue reading Senior High School: a tool for change

DepEd to address hoary glitches in public schools

A hopeful and promising new school year opened last June 13, 2016 and millions of hopeful students trooped to school in search for better education. They meet new teachers, new friends and classmates. But there is also something old that is retained. The same issue year by year that students, teachers and school administrations have to face: lack of classrooms, books, chairs, visual aids and teachers. Continue reading DepEd to address hoary glitches in public schools

Creating a productive environment in the workplace

To ensure a happy and productive environment, every employee should act as role model by demonstrating good manners in the office. Office etiquette or office manners are about conducting yourself respectfully and courteously in the office or workplace. We should always act with honesty and dignity at all times. Below are some reminders of how we should act at the office or workplace. Continue reading Creating a productive environment in the workplace

Scouting is a tool for holistic development

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. But education does not only focus on classroom activities and academic.  It does not concentrate on just reading and writing but also in extracurricular activities such as sports and scouting. Continue reading Scouting is a tool for holistic development

Electronic online processing of payment

Online processing is an automated way of uploading, updating and processing data consistently. It is very efficient and it produces complete and accurate data of reports. It runs an inventory report at any time of the day.

Information technology (IT) advancements have been at the center of a transformation in our work as we are required to use online system in paying Phil health, Pag-ibig, GSIS and BIR monthly remittances especially in the national agencies. Continue reading Electronic online processing of payment