All posts by arias

PRESS RELEASE: K to 12 Learners: a Generation of Innovators

PASIG CITY, September 25, 2016 – Tomorrow’s innovators are today’s equipped young minds.

The fast-moving world of technology comes with the manifold challenge of ensuring that quality education is still the best foundation of potential solutions to the country’s pressing social issues.

“Tuwing may sakuna, kasalanan ‘yan ng edukasyon; tuwing may napipiling lider na ayaw natin, kasalanan ‘yan ng edukasyon; kung bakit maraming mahirap sa ating bansa, kasalanan ‘yan ng edukasyon. . . [Pero] ang edukasyon ay hindi lamang responsibilidad ng DepEd, ito ay responsibilidad nating lahat,” Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones emphasized to the audience of Rappler’s Social Good Summit 2016 on Saturday. Continue reading PRESS RELEASE: K to 12 Learners: a Generation of Innovators

PRESS RELEASE: DepEd calls for collective push to improve human rights education in k to 12

PASIG CITY, September 22, 2016 – Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones on Tuesday underscored the importance of collaborative effort in improving human rights education under the new K to 12 basic education curriculum.

A day before the 44th anniversary of the declaration of martial law, Briones urged colleagues and stakeholders in the higher academics to support the Department in the responsibility to “extend the net of sources” and lend additional substantive content to different learning materials, especially in writing textbooks. Continue reading PRESS RELEASE: DepEd calls for collective push to improve human rights education in k to 12

PRESS RELEASE: Statement of the Department of Education on the fatal stabbing of teacher Vilma Cabactulan of Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Senior High School

The Department of Education (DepEd) condoles with the family of Vilma Cabactulan, a teacher from Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa National High School in Cagayan De Oro who was fatally stabbed by her student on September 13, 2016.

“I am deeply saddened and disturbed that an incident such as this happened in a place of learning. The Department values the welfare and lives of all learners and employees and strives for a harmonious relationship among all members of the school community,” stated DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones. Continue reading PRESS RELEASE: Statement of the Department of Education on the fatal stabbing of teacher Vilma Cabactulan of Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Senior High School

War on Worms (WOW)

dscn0305“Health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of – a blessing that money cannot buy.” Izaak Walton.

How could we say that our young learners are endomed  with blessings that money can’t buy when  perennial health problems precariously situated them and put them at the-risk of absenteeism, dropping out and non-performance in school due to some intestinal worms? Stomach pain and gas that causes discomfort, severe diarrhea and dysentery, breath that smells bad, constant feelings of hunger, dark circles under the eyes, bad dreams or restless sleep at night, anemia, headaches, loss of weight, extremely tired and exhausted, fever, irritability, increased feelings of anxiety and nervousness. These are the serious symptoms of intestinal worms that rob the soundness of body, mind and spirit of our young children. Continue reading War on Worms (WOW)