All posts by arias

One DepED, One National Quality Management System

Establishing Quality Management System (QMS) is one major strategy of the Department of Education (DepED) for 2018 to 2022 geared towards organizational excellence. The “One DepED, One National QMS” conforms to the Presidential Directive which President Rodrigo R. Duterte emphasized during the 2017 Station of the Nation Address (SONA). He directed all government agencies with frontline services to the people, from womb to tomb, to further streamline services making it efficient and people-friendly, ensure quality services minus delays by the bureaucratic red tape, and speedy reforms    . Moreover, the DepED adheres to the provisions of Executive Order No. 605, s. 2007 which directed all departments in the Executive Branch to establish a QMS certified to the ISO 9001 standards. Continue reading One DepED, One National Quality Management System

DepED Rationalization Program Implementation Review: An Organizational Alignment Strategy

Continuous improvement in the delivery of public service entails the Department of Education (DepED) to review the implementation of the DepED Rationalization Program to be led by the DepED Central Office through the Office of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA) and Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD). Basically, organizational alignment is one of three (3) major strategies of the DepED towards organizational excellence for 2018 to 2022. Organizational alignment considers the review of the DepED Rationalization Program Implementation and the development of an integrated proposal to the Department of Budget Management (DBM) aimed at aligning the purpose, process, and people towards service excellence. Continue reading DepED Rationalization Program Implementation Review: An Organizational Alignment Strategy

Strategizing Organizational Excellence as One DepED

Organizational Excellence requires the Department of Education (DepED) to employ strategies for its continuous improvement to better serve its stakeholders as a learner-centered public institution. Guided by this long-term vision, it is the team’s vision for DepED by 2022 to become a modern, professional, pro-active, nimble, trusted and nurturing institution delivering quality, accessible, relevant and liberating K to 12 Education enabling the learners to be nation-loving, resilient and competent lifelong learners. DepEd officials and employees at different governance levels strive to perform their mandated functions in accordance to the vision, mission, and core values. The battle cry of the DepED calls for the convergence of all governance levels as “ONE DEPED” in strategizing organizational excellence. Continue reading Strategizing Organizational Excellence as One DepED

Division Office issues Memorandum to integrate safety measures in all programs, trainings, workshops, and other activities

MALAYBALAY CITY – Division Memorandum No. 278, s. 2018 re: Integration of Safety Measures in all Programs, Trainings, Workshops, and other Activities was released last June 21, 2018. There were three objectives of the memorandum:

  • ensure that the safety of the participants are included during the planning process of an activity;
  • ensure that the participants of the activities conducted in the Division know what to do, whom to call, and where to go in times of emergencies; and
  • inculcate the culture of safety in the day-to-day experience of the learners, personnel, and guests of this Division.

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