All posts by arias

New Normal: How Parents Embrace the Challenges in Education

Despite the harsh reality of the pandemic we are experiencing right now, we Filipinos have a unique way of finding means to survive and look at it with a different perspective. People who have lost their jobs are now venturing into online-selling as an alternative means of income. Others have quickly shifted from regular office setup to work-from-home. COVID19 has changed the way we see and appreciate things. These changes, no matter how hard it is for some, have turned into what we call the new normal. It is an unprecedented event and no one was prepared. It is a time when most educators would define as going to battle unarmed and ready to lose. Continue reading New Normal: How Parents Embrace the Challenges in Education

Teamwork in the Workplace

“Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi.

Teamwork is working together with people to achieve a common goal or set of objectives. Teamwork is the basic need for an organization to function. Furthermore, every organization has a division of several teams to perform specific tasks which as a whole saves time to a higher extent. Continue reading Teamwork in the Workplace

Lessons Brought to Us by COVID-19

Recently, a very serious threat had emerged in any parts of the globe. The world has been facing a health crisis. An invisible enemy that can’t easily be fought by anybody. The health problem that had occurred is coronavirus disease (COVID-19). According to World Health Organization (WHO), it is an infectious disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. The disease can be transmitted through droplets of saliva by coughs or sneezes from an infected person which makes it more unfortified to every individual. In a short time, the number of cases had gone up to over a million that impelled the WHO to declare COVID-19 as a pandemic. Truly, the virus had seemingly crippled not just the health status of every country but also its economic stability. Due to this effect, each country had undertaken necessary preventive measures to protect its citizens. Those affected countries urged their constituents to undergo quarantine, makes people dependent on any forms of government’s assistance. Our local government, both the City Mayor and Provincial Governor has issued several Executive Orders urging the public to follow preventive measures to prevent the transmission of COVID -19. Continue reading Lessons Brought to Us by COVID-19

Work from Home – the New Normal

“Education must continue,” says DepEd Secretary Leonor M. Briones.

To ensure that quality services are delivered despite of this pandemic, teachers and employees of Malaybalay City Division implemented the shift of Work from Home.

March 17 when, the Division Office of Malaybalay City issued a memorandum on the new Alternative Work Arrangement among employees. It was released as gesture of the agency’s support to the City Government in its decision of putting the city under the Enhanced Community Quarantine while observing social distancing due to Covid-19 pandemic. Continue reading Work from Home – the New Normal

Boosting productivity at workplace

Have you ever felt ending a workday unaccomplished? unproductive? Being productive at work is difficult. Usually jotting down a plan, a list, a goal as a guide on how our day may proceed can help a lot, but by the end of the day, we find a lot in our to-do list unchecked.

Managing time may be one of the ways that is a conducive key to productivity. If you feel that you do not have time to do everything you want to do, it is a high time to check with your time management skills. No one is born to be very good at time management, so accept that it is your weakness. But everyone can learn to boost their productivity and achieve more. Continue reading Boosting productivity at workplace